My Projects
Sky Factory Mobile is a 2D voxel based world where you start from a single block of dirt and expand to advance factories, machines and generators.
Inspired by Sky Blocks and Sky Factory, for the first time enjoy a modded block and craft game on mobile! It was developed as part of a two man team using Unity3D(C#) and was released on Android December 2018.
EvoVerve is a relaxing evolution, idle clicker game, in which you have to earn credits to customize and evolve your own planet! Customize your planet with a variety of items and watch life grow in front of your eyes!
It was developed as part of my final year project for university, using Unity3D, C# and Blender and is currently in alpha on the google play store.
Wandering Wisps is an underwater 3D platformer developed by as part of my university module Collaborative Games Development, in which a team of designers, artists and programmers were combined to create a game.
This was developed using UE4, utilizing their blueprint system and some C++.