Sky Factory Mobile is a 2D voxel based world where you start from a single block of dirt and expand to advance factories, machines and generators.
Inspired by Sky Blocks and Sky Factory, for the first time enjoy a modded block and craft game on mobile! It was developed as part of a two man team using Unity3D(C#) and was released on Android December 2018.
This project was made by myself and a course friend I met whilst studying at Stafforshire University. The aim of this project was to design, develop and publish our own game to the Google Play Store, primarily for a portfolio piece and also to gain as much experience as we could along the way.
The project took 6 months to create and release, we utilized Google Plays alpha/beta testing tracks to help with bug testing and user feedback. We also incorporated Google Firebase into the project to keep track of player data.
We used Google AdMob to create a rewarded ad system, and Unitys In app Purchasing system to create purchasable skins for the player.
For this project I had to take many roles, primarily as a Programmer and Designer. However, I also created pixel art, designed UI, implemented audio and helped manage and organise the project.
This project was extremely fun and rewarding to create, it helped me learn so much about producing apps for Android and provided me challenges to overcome.
Mobile Optimizations
Scriptable Objects
Pixel Art
Shader work
Play Store Alpha/Beta Testing
Firebase Implementation
Google Ads implementation
Unity IAP Implementation
Cloud Saving
Unity Bug Reporting
Sharing System
Dynamic Lighting
Flood fill algorithms